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Rabbit or Turtle Test

XL Behavioral Health Services LLC

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Rabbit or Turtle Test

Answer these questions to find out where you are:
First, Find out if you are on the rabbit path or turtle path. Then hop on into our memberSHIP we call our Chrysalis.
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First, Find out where you are (A).
1 - Rabbit
(Rabbit) 3 x a day
Path designed for experiential shift.
“for the mind jumping around” Experiencing a lot of stress. (constant) (Acute)

2 - Turtle
(turtle) 1x day
Path designed for Perspective shift.
“for those who want to see before they jump” Stress a lot of experiences. (Episodic) (Mild)
Result Guide:
1-2 = Turtle Path
3-5 = Rabbit Path
*****Your path changes over time. Be aware of your experiential shift, where you are and what you need.
Then find out what you need (B).
I want information 3x or 1x a day. (rabbit or turtle)

All we are doing is preparing you to go on a journey, to learn how to “sail”. Before we got out to sea we must prepare and learn what we can, get our provisions together, a plan and practice until the day we sail. Learn to navigate before you leave home and you will always know your way. Stop using what you believe and start using what you know. Set your foundation on knowing to sail any sea.
But, for now…look at where you are first. The best navigators always first have to know where they are. Find out where you are…then you can pick a path.