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(702) 403-8018

Membership (Our Chrysalis)

XL Behavioral Health Services LLC

XLBHS Helps You Help Yourself

Our Chrysalis

Membership Area

Within our memberSHIP you’ll arrive to our community chrysalis. This may be the most challenging thing you have ever done. The Chrysalis is designed to give you access to information to learn how to support yourself. It takes time “See proof is in the pudding”.

The cost for this membership is $10 (One-time Fee)

As a member, you will gain access to the these pages:

Sign in/Sign Up

Membership Benefits

When you join our Chrysalis memberSHIP, you will get access to resources, YouTube videos, lessons, groups, Butorfly 30-day Ohana challenge and much more …for $10. No annual contracts or monthly fees.
As a member, you will gain access to the following:

In “Our Chrysalis”

Print out the PDF for yourself….to organize we recommend a 3 PRONG FOLDER or take it to UPS/FEDEX to get in professionally COMB BOUNDED. Set your format to Print the front and back of the pages. It’s a coloring book/journal starter/cliff notes that keeps you on a path of YouTube videos.
Hope you have fun and enjoy.

This Chrysalis is there when you need it. When you have curiosity or the time to invest in you. Our chrysalis is filled with resources, lessons, tools, art, poetry and YouTube videos.
Also, you will have access to schedule consultation appointments at a reduced rate for 30 minutes personal sessions. The focus of Consultation is to provide more one on one services, but it is not considered “mental health therapy”. If I am a mechanic, then I am the type of mechanic that teaches you HOW to fix your own car. Once I teach you this, you will not have a need for a mechanic.

Member’s will be granted access for free “Butorfly” weekly groups (in office and online), which focuses on teaching you how to fix your CARma. As well as the ability to watch this group at a later time. I hope this promotes more self learning on your schedule.

The cost for this membership is $10!

“The proof is in the pudding” is our philosophy. If this program is worth anything, I feel it should help you enhance your life and eventually your income. So, if you are down on your luck…no problem. The membership is here for you now at $10. When it works and you desire to pay it forward, people can donate to support our mission anytime or send this website to their friends and family. I hope to not need to put a price on this discovery which I’d like to share with the world. Wouldn’t that be awesome to keep it at a $10 membership? You’ll see if it works when you leave our Chrysalis.

This discovery is designed with bread crumbs so you can share the experience with others. When we experience something great we desire to share it. Plato’s Allegory of the cave implied our nature is to turn against things we don’t perceive or to deny it. The problem of the cave was the light. The two people left in the cave needed to experience the light, as the third did. Simply said, no one can tell you who you are. Only you can seek to discovery it. We must leave our “cave”. Butorfly is a mobile light, it goes where your phone goes…everywhere you go. While we may be stuck in our cave and desire to get out, you’ll have a little light with directions from Butorfly. The path is inward to your source of light.