Free Consultation

(702) 403-8018

About Me

Scott Thompson LCSW

XL Behavioral Health Services LLC

XLBHS Helps You Help Yourself


Hello! I am Scott Thompson

I know you can’t get out of a problem with the same mindset that got you into the problem.
I am different, I’m a walking paradox, a masculine therapist. I know what works and it’s simple. You need knowledge and someone to not just tell you, but to show you.

With Aloha (Love) ,I don’t provide solace; I provide solutions.
If you’re searching or open to knowing yourself, take a journey with me for a limited time. All your problems with be resolved at the end of this journey. I don’t use belief; I shine a light on it for you to realize that belief simply means you don’t know.

Please note that this may be the hardest thing you have ever done. You will fly if you do not give up. The key to it is knowledge… And if you are up for the challenge…there is a path without one step.
Knowledge is the cure for belief and this is a step-by-step program that shows you how.
Do you want to keep uttering But or do you want to Fly?
Join Butorfly today

My Mission

Our mission at is to bring new perspectives to light, empower our clients to eXceL beyond their beliefs and offer them valuable knowledge to end all their suffering, here and now.

LCSW. Scott Thompson,
Licensed Clinical Social Worker

My Book

Rabbit Path Coloring

Download the FREE ebook “A step by step journey on a journey without one step” when you climb onboard our memberSHIP.

Membership Area

Within our memberSHIP you’ll arrive to our community chrysalis. This may be the most challenging thing you have ever done. The Chrysalis is designed to give you access to information to learn how to support yourself. It takes time “See proof is in the pudding”.

The cost for this membership is $10 (One-time Fee)

Our Chrysalis

Membership Benefits

When you join our Chrysalis memberSHIP, you will get access to resources, YouTube videos, lessons, groups, Butorfly 30-day Ohana challenge and much more …for $10. No annual contracts or monthly fees.
As a member, you will gain access to the following:


I have 20 years of experience in private practice with people with mental health challenges, striving for transformation.


I guarantee only 100 % professional, high-quality services for you.


I will never leave you in a difficult moment. Call me right now and make an appointment.


All our meetings are confidential and information is protected.