Free Consultation

(702) 403-8018

We don't just educate you
We empower you

We offer you the guidance and encouragement to find hope, get motivated, take charge of your mental health, and feel better.

We highlight what you need to know to help yourself

We focus on what you need to know so you can understand the challenges you face, make informed decisions, and take positive steps.

Our mission is to help you become a self-learner

We don’t view mental health as a money-making opportunity or answer to corporate interests. The result: integrity you can trust.

XLBHS Helps You Help Yourself

Start improving your mental health and wellness today.
Let XLBHS show you how

Our mission at is to bring new perspectives to light, empower our clients to eXceL beyond their beliefs and offer them valuable knowledge to end all their suffering, here and now.

Start Your Free Test Now!

Rabbit or Turtle Test

Answer these questions to find out where you are:
First, Find out if you are on the rabbit path or turtle path. Then hop on into our memberSHIP we call our Chrysalis.
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First, Find out where you are (A).
1 - Rabbit
(Rabbit) 3 x a day
Path designed for experiential shift.
“for the mind jumping around” Experiencing a lot of stress. (constant) (Acute)

2 - Turtle
(turtle) 1x day
Path designed for Perspective shift.
“for those who want to see before they jump” Stress a lot of experiences. (Episodic) (Mild)
Result Guide:
1-2 = Turtle Path
3-5 = Rabbit Path
*****Your path changes over time. Be aware of your experiential shift, where you are and what you need.
Then find out what you need (B).
I want information 3x or 1x a day. (rabbit or turtle)

All we are doing is preparing you to go on a journey, to learn how to “sail”. Before we got out to sea we must prepare and learn what we can, get our provisions together, a plan and practice until the day we sail. Learn to navigate before you leave home and you will always know your way. Stop using what you believe and start using what you know. Set your foundation on knowing to sail any sea.
But, for now…look at where you are first. The best navigators always first have to know where they are. Find out where you are…then you can pick a path.
My Book

Rabbit Path Coloring

Download the FREE ebook “A step by step journey on a journey without one step” when you climb onboard our memberSHIP.

Membership Area

Within our memberSHIP you’ll arrive to our community chrysalis. This may be the most challenging thing you have ever done. The Chrysalis is designed to give you access to information to learn how to support yourself. It takes time “See proof is in the pudding”.

The cost for this membership is $10 (One-time Fee)

Our Chrysalis

Membership Benefits

When you join our Chrysalis memberSHIP, you will get access to resources, YouTube videos, lessons, groups, Butorfly 30-day Ohana challenge and much more …for $10. No annual contracts or monthly fees.
As a member, you will gain access to the following:



Mental Health Therapy

Butorfly Transformational Program Consultation

Individual Therapy and group therapy for a Happier You. 
Our Mental Health Treatment Programs Accept Several Insurance Options.




We don't just educate you – we empower you

We offer you the guidance and encouragement to find hope, get motivated, take charge of your mental health, and feel better.

We highlight what you need to know to help yourself

We focus on what you need to know so you can understand the challenges you face, make informed decisions, and take positive steps.

Our mission is to help you become a self-learner

We don’t view mental health as a money-making opportunity or answer to corporate interests. The result: integrity you can trust.


I have 20 years of experience in private practice with people with mental health challenges, striving for transformation.


I guarantee only 100 % professional, high-quality services for you.


I will never leave you in a difficult moment. Call me right now and make an appointment.


All our meetings are confidential and information is protected.

Offers Telehealth Appointments
Accepts Online Payments
Accepting New Clients


Hello! I am Scott Thompson

I know you can’t get out of a problem with the same mindset that got you into the problem.
I am different, I’m a walking paradox, a masculine therapist. I know what works and it’s simple. You need knowledge and someone to not just tell you, but to show you.

With Aloha (Love) ,I don’t provide solace; I provide solutions.
If you’re searching or open to knowing yourself, take a journey with me for a limited time. All your problems with be resolved at the end of this journey. I don’t use belief; I shine a light on it for you to realize that belief simply means you don’t know.

Please note that this may be the hardest thing you have ever done. You will fly if you do not give up. The key to it is knowledge… And if you are up for the challenge…there is a path without one step.
Knowledge is the cure for belief and this is a step-by-step program that shows you how.
Do you want to keep uttering But or do you want to Fly?
Join Butorfly today

LCSW. Scott Thompson,
Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Frequently Asked Questions

I offer a friendly and down-to-earth approach to therapy, providing a safe, confidential and non- judgmental space to talk.

We accept Nevada products of Medicaid (Molina, Anthem, HPN and FFS. Medicare (not HMO Medicare), United Healthcare, BCBS and others. Please call our office if you have questions.

Mental health therapy is billed through your insurance. Documents are secured for 7 years. If you need documents showing diagnosis, progress or historical concerns, then mental health therapy may be a good fit.

If I am a mechanic, Think of Mental Health therapy as me fixing your car.
Butorfly consultation is me teaching you how to fix your own CARma.
Consultation is goal oriented to discover who you are. This is a self directed plan to be a self learner, supported with answering your questions. Anyone interested in learning or better yet experiencing to know….consultation can show you how.

Every insurance is different. You can inquire about your benefits by calling the number on the back of your insurance card. You can request a list of providers or check if a provider is credentialed with your insurance carrier. If not, you can check if you have out-of-network benefits. Not all plans have out-of-network benefits.

 Therapy is a way of sharing personal emotions, feelings and thoughts with someone you trust. It can feel awkward at times. But, if you are patient enough, you may see something you didn’t before.

It’s a place to learn about yourself and obtain valuable information in one place. Here you can learn whenever you desire. It is very much a path you’ll be familiar with how to return. Your progress depends on how hard you work on yourself.

The simple answer is No. But it provides very spiritual way to experience your higher self. I see religion as a “social” path, a communal path, and spirituality as your path, your choice to step or not to step.

Religion can be tested when we die. Philosophy is untested theory. The difference is right now…you can test Butorfly.

Please request an appointment at or call our office at 702-403-8018.

Mental Health Therapy and “Butorfly Transformational program” Consultation.